The Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
IFPDA Wall Price $2500 including shipping UK–US
* subject to change with currency rate and legislation
**excludes buyers and local tax
New works by Katherine Jones RA. These relate to ‘Killing the Angel in the House’, Virginia Woolf’s lecture ‘Professions for Women’, in which she describes the need to kill the ‘Angel’, the domestic, caring and selfless – in order to be able to write.
This in turn is prompted by Coventry Patmore’s poem ‘An Angel in the House’ which described the perfect domestic Victorian ideal of femininity. Published in instalments from 1854 to 1862, it affirms traditional Victorian values regarding domesticity and gender roles.
These works are gestural prints made using painterly inking processes.
Katherine Jones makes distinctive images that are inhabited by ordinary objects, spaces and buildings. Often the structures depicted are fragile or vulnerable, covered or transparent. They are a framework the artist uses to begin to question perceptions of safety and danger. These issues are under the surface of her everyday as an artist –mother and an individual in a challenged world environment.
Jones is a painter and a printmaker, her ideas are often exchanged between watercolour, etchings and collagraph prints. She builds layers, overlays marks and colour to create rich nuanced surfaces.
Collections include: (UK) The Victoria and Albert Museum; National Art Library;
University College, London; Hospitals Art Collection; Government Art Collection;
Royal Festival Hall; Winchester College; Eton College; Ashmolean Museum; University
of Chichester Art Collection; Pallant House Gallery, Chichester; University of Warwick
Art Collection; Royal West of England Academy, Bristol; (USA) Lafayette College,
Boston Athenaeum; Wellesley Library; Swathmore College, PA; Yale University
Library, CT; United Therapeutics Art Collection; (CN) Guangdong Museum. In 2022
Katherine Jones was elected as a Royal Academician in 2022