Hi Printmakers
In the spirit of keeping connected, happy and making the team at RABLEY DRAWING CENTRE Amy Jane Blackhall, Nik Pollard and Meryl Ainslie have put together a plan!
We have devised 6 Tabletop Print Projects for our regular Rabley Printmakers and we thought it would be welcomed to make these live and free to everyone! – so follow this blog and our instagram #rableydrawingcentre to keep posted and connected!
There will be a new project each Monday for the next six weeks. We hope that you will enjoy them, they are just for fun and to introduce a few new ideas to keep your practice fresh and lively! We have had fantastic support from Sara Lee, Katherine Jones and Sadie Tierney, who are all going to make contributions over the coming weeks.
Each workshop will include an introduction, materials, demonstration videos, suppliers links. Printmakers will already have many items in the studio or kitchen!